Monday, June 13, 2016


I never post my thoughts, opinions, or beliefs regarding politics, or religion.  I stay out of big stories, and away from anything that could bring argument.  Today, I make an exception.  I don’t want to argue with anyone – and I do want to tell you that we don’t have to be at the mercy of bullies: from the first grade bully, to someone willing to kill.  We, you and I, can save the world.
When there is a person who takes the lives of others, I notice that everyone looks for someone to blame.  You may lean on your religious beliefs, or your political beliefs, or simply that killing is wrong.  You might blame the gun, the leadership, religion, sexuality, or even question everyone else’s beliefs.  You may feel that tragedies wouldn’t happened if everyone just believed like you do.
These mindsets are all so irrelevant, and completely unhelpful.
The truth is that it’s my fault, and it’s your fault.  Every single one of us has to stop placing the blame, and start taking responsibility.  Ask yourself:
What have you done to ensure that others will see the world as a good and happy place? 
What have you done to help rescue the bully so that (s)he could learn respect and kindness, and pass it on to others? 
When did you realize that you couldn’t force others, by fighting them, to become good people, and start working to help them become good people through example? 
When did you realize that being hit, disrespected, uncared for, and pushed into someone else’s beliefs and ideals didn’t work – and stopped supporting this a method for fixing things? 
We all want to be treated with kindness and respect, we want to have our beliefs, our feelings, our lives treated as though they matter and are important.  We want to be understood, autonomous, and free… We want all of this in safety!  We want to know that world is a safe place.  We don’t want to be afraid that someone else will harm us, in any way.
If want these things in the world, then we have to have these things within us.  They need to be so strongly within us that they leak out into the world; kindness, compassion, safety.  We have to show ourselves, and others that a hero makes the world a better place, not through fighting, not through death and destruction, not through belittling others, or forcing our opinions on them, but through understanding, cooperation, kindness, trust, honesty, safety; by experiencing, teaching, and showing love. 

You, me, all of, we can stop the tragedies, if we stop blaming others, and start looking for how we can change our own hearts, and help make the world a more wonderful place – not through the things we hate (war, force, aggression), but through what truly motivates us, joy, thriving, safety, success, and acceptance.  We are each still as a child that desires to be accepted, loved, and shown by example how the world is beautiful.  We can all do this for ourselves, and each other – and then, and only then, will the world be saved.

Monday, April 11, 2016


I don’t know how much this is true in other countries, but I know in America, we are very well trained to be afraid – of EVERYTHING. 
I know many people who think they aren’t afraid, and I have to say, "then they don’t know what fear is."  
For many people I’ve spoken to, particularly men, fear means that your adrenaline is rushing, your heart is pumping, your knees are shaking, etc., but that is only one level of fear.  Fear is something that most of us experience all day long, every day – it’s such a normal state of being, that we don’t recognize it as fear, and it prevents us from feeling safe in a variety of ways.
We have to be afraid of strangers, afraid of drugs, afraid of guns, afraid of not having guns, afraid of the government, afraid of our neighbor, afraid of dogs, afraid to help others, afraid of our food (fat is bad, meat is dangerous, etc.), and afraid not to eat that same food (fat is good, meat is good for you, etc.). 
We are afraid to parent our children (spank, don’t spank, reward, don’t reward).  We are afraid to speak to our boss, our coworkers, our spouses.  No matter what we do, we’re going to get it wrong.  We might just buy the wrong soda, the wrong diaper, the wrong brand of clothing…and then we will be ostracized, unloved, unacceptable. 
Everything is something to not do, or to be afraid to not do.  We are very much trained through fear to NOT do things …only we can’t make up our minds on what is and isn’t something to be afraid of, what to not do.  We aren’t clear if something is good or bad.  We should be afraid of other countries, other religions, other colors of skin, but we should accept everyone as a friend without judgment because if you don’t, you’re a bad person. 
We have to fear our own sexuality (we are often very uncertain about our own ability to be “good” and acceptable in this regard), and let everyone else be fine with theirs, while we are afraid that they will harm us, our children, our families, and corrupt our country if they don’t believe and think like we do.  We, of course, are never the problem, it’s always someone else’s fault, someone else’s doing – and thus we fear anyone different from us.  Loving someone can be a crime of immense proportions (if someone doesn’t like whom we choose to love).
Pornography gets more graphic, more addictive, more available than ever before…because we fear having appropriate sexual outlets, and we fear sex, and we fear not having sex, and we fear that we are sexual beings, and we fear love, and we fear acceptance, and we fear lack of judgment…and so on, and so on. 
We fear that we are bad people, we fear that someone will discover that truth about us and that we will no longer be worthy of love.  We fear to love others because they will break our hearts, we fear to trust, and we fear being afraid.
It’s very important in this world to be afraid of climate change, and pollution, and also to be afraid of the solutions to climate change and pollution. 
We have to be afraid of not having enough money, and be afraid of having money because money is evil, and rich people are evil, but it’s important to want to be rich, and successful because we are afraid of being normal, and ordinary. 
We are afraid of being dirty, and afraid of being too clean. We have to fear “superbugs,” and the antibiotics that cure us.  We have to fear cancer, and disease, and all the foods, medications, and mindsets that cause cancer and disease (which changes regularly).  We are afraid to not be healthy, and we are so afraid of the world, so filled with stress and anxiety, that being healthy in this regard is nearly impossible.
Many of us have spent our whole lives in fear.  The world is always about to end, whether it’s the apocalypse, a Russian nuclear warhead, the bees dying off, or the volcano in Wyoming…We need to know that life as we know it could end at any moment, we are not safe.
A woman cannot walk the street alone; she might get raped, mugged, or murdered.  Parents cannot let their children go out to play, someone might kidnap them and sell them into slavery.  Everyone has to be afraid of candy from strangers, even if we are the one handing it out.  Everything we buy from the store has a tamper-proof seal just incase someone wants to poison it.
We are told to seek power, and that power corrupts.  We are shown that there are heroes (whom we may also have to fear).  Even heroes are often villains; fighting the enemy (whom we must fear, even if we loved them yesterday), and each other. 
We can’t trust anyone, because everyone lets you down eventually.  Politicians, lawyers, car sales men, they’re all corrupt – but then we must also fear doctors, police officers and those that are supposed to keep us safe.
We must fear for our lives every time we step out our doors, and probably while we’re inside too – the building could catch fire, someone may come in and rob and murder us.
We need to always be on alert, always afraid.  There is no safety in the world, not anywhere, and not in anything…everything could kill us, from a gun to a banana peel, from a stranger to our child, from a mouse to a thunderstorm.  We are never, ever safe.
We cannot undo the fear by telling each other not to be afraid, or by telling each other all the same things we’ve been saying for eons; fight it, ignore it, let it go, take deep breaths, come to the realization that it isn’t real, change your mind, think happy thoughts, and so on.
If we want to stop the fear, we have to solve the problem.  Much like solving the problem of being hungry by eating food, and meeting the need that caused the hunger.  To stop fear we will have to start looking at the need that causes the fear, and fill the need. 
We will have to stop seeing fear as the enemy, a lie, a bad thing, and start to see fear as an ally, a friend that tells us, and motivates us, to fill a need.  We will have to start with learning how to fill our needs without creating more fear, for ourselves or others.  We will have to learn what a true need is.  We will have to learn how to neither be, nor ask another to be a sacrifice for our needs.  
We have much to learn about fear so that it can be a part of us that is loved and accepted, which is necessary for us to be fully loved and accepted.

When we learn to work with our fear, instead of against it, we will become the heroes we were born to be, and together we will start a heroic revolution.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Savahjz: A Writer’s NOVEL Journey

 I haven’t written a fantasy, or science fiction novel in several years.  I have spent so much time lately writing science fact, and animal training programs, that I simply haven’t had the time.  I’ve decided that I need to make the time, so I’m starting a new novel.
Since it’s been a long time, and it’s one of the things I get asked about the most, I thought it might be fun to write about my journey, and share my experience with whomever might be interested, and so…here it is.
I don’t know yet what I’m going to call this novel, for myself, I refer to it as the first in the Savahjz series; since I do hope to make this a series.  I started with thinking about all my favorite stories, and what elements I truly loved about them.  I thought about my favorite authors, and what I loved about their work.  Then I started thinking about how I could put together all that – Yep, ALL of it.
This first stage to me is where I let my imagination go wild.  I don’t care if anything makes sense, or if it’s a good idea, or if it will sell.  I don’t worry about anything, I just get crazy, and literally figure out a “story” that allows every element I want to be in it.  This can take a few hours, or many days – the important thing is to be complete free from all “Have to’s” and “shoulds” and just run amok having a great time!
After a while, things actually begin to form, usually into something so grand that I wonder if it’s even possible to write such an epic, complex story…but I don’t let myself linger on such notions.  No room for doubt, this is a creative, limitless process.
Once I have the idea, I start to create the world that I would be working in.  In this case there are two of them.  One I don’t have to create, because it’s all around me.  The other only exists in my mind, at least for the moment.
Writing down the basic “rules” of how the new world will work is another process.  This time I focus on pure logic.  What I want to have happen, and how I can make that work.  In my new world for example, there are wolves and humans, but the roles are somewhat reversed.  In order to have the species communicate I have to give the wolves something like telepathy.  Not because wolves can’t communicate, but because humans don’t have the necessary senses to fully appreciate the nuances of wolf communication, and because even with their enhanced senses, complex ideas would be very challenging in wolf language.  In order to give the wolves a complex language, that could communicate philosophical ideas, I have to either change their anatomy (so they can verbal speak), or give them another way to do so.  These are the types of thoughts and questions I have to answer for myself in order to determine how the story will progress.

It took me somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 hours to define the new world, the rules for it, and to even map it out geographically.  Now that I have a world, and a direction (all the elements I want to put into the story), I can begin to create the characters that will live in this grand world, and participate in my adventure.